The Experience and Enjoyment of Christ in the Local Churches

Experiencing Christ in the Local Church

5. Experiencing the Headship of Christ in His Leading and Guidance

A person can receive guidance from God through: 1) the Bible, 2) the Spirit, and 3) the local church. In the passage below, Witness Lee expresses the importance of obtaining leading from the church:

When Christ was on earth He referred to the church two times—in Matthew 16 and Matthew 18. In the first instance, He referred to the universal church, and in the second instance, He referred to the local church. In speaking of the authority of the local church, He said, “If he refuses to hear the church also, let him be to you just like the Gentile and the tax collector” (18:17). This verse shows us that the authority of the church is derived from its representation of Christ. Christ has given His authority to the church and authorized the church to execute His will on earth. The Bible shows us that there are three ways in which a person can receive guidance from God: (1) God’s Word—the Bible, (2) the indwelling Holy Spirit, and (3) the church in a locality. The third line is the most important line. The leading of the Bible and the Spirit are individual in nature, but the leading of the local church is corporate in nature. The local church, being the local expression of the Body of Christ, has the headship of Christ and, therefore, can know the mind of Christ, which is always communicated to His Body. The local church declares the headship of Christ. “Truly I say to you, Whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in heaven” (v. 18). A person who sees the Body seeks fellowship and accepts the leading of the church….In order to know God’s will and His way, it is not enough for us to read the Bible or pray by ourselves. We have to be in the fellowship of the local church, live the Body life, and follow God’s leading in the Body.

(Watchman Nee, Collected Works, Set 2, Vol. 44, 839-840)

6. Experiencing Christ as the Burning Spirit to Judge, Purify, and Refine the Church

In the book of Revelation the local churches are likened to golden lampstands (Rev. 1:20). Witness Lee describes the way in which burning Spirit will produce the churches as pure golden lampstands:

The purpose of the burning flame in carrying out God’s economy is to bring forth the golden lampstands, the churches. Burning implies judging, purifying, refining, and producing. Never be disappointed by the rottenness, corruption, and immorality of today’s human society. Do not be disappointed or so concerned for the world situation. Also, do not be disappointed by the weakness of the local churches. I do not believe in the seemingly disappointing condition in the world or in the churches. I believe in the flame of the burning seven Spirits which control and direct the world and which also judge, purify, and refine the church to produce a pure golden lampstand. We are here endeavoring to afford the Lord a chance and an entrance to judge us, purify us, and refine us to produce a pure golden lampstand. We are open wide to the flaming of the seven Spirits of God….Then the Lord has a way to produce a pure golden lampstand. The burning is going on not only in the entire world situation, but also in the churches. The more I read the newspapers, the more I get confirmed that the flaming Spirits direct the world situation, and also this flaming purifies the church to produce the golden lamp stands.

(Witness Lee, NT Economy, 253-254)

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